Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Day 31 Injured

I have been at a standstill with both weight loss and body fat loss for the last two weigh-ins.  

I planned to step it up but now I am taking a step back.  On Monday I was bouldering with Jeana on the rock wall.  I was determined to get up the pink and white route. Jeana made it look so easy!  I had made it up a little further when I pushed off on my right leg to reach the next hold.  Apparently, my weak hips couldn't take the pressure. My leg turned out to the right, cracking and popping.  The pain was excruciating.  I dropped instantly.  As I was lying in the foam, all I could do was laugh to keep from crying.  After a few minutes I attempted to get up.  I knew something was hurt!  I got some ice and barley made it through yin yoga.  

Once I got home I started icing and using the heating pad.  It was a rough night! Getting in and out of bed was horrible.  I had to lift my right leg with my hands.  I could hardly sleep because of the pain.  Tuesday morning, I stayed home from work and made a doctor appointment.  It was rough just to get down the stairs and in the car. I used Josh's crutches for help.  

The doctor told me that I have a hip flexor strain which is an injury characterized by tearing of one or more of the hip flexor muscles and typically causes pain in the front of the hip or groin.  The hip flexors are responsible for moving the knee towards the chest (i.e. bending the hip) during activity and are particularly active when sprinting or kicking. With my symptoms I believe I have a grade 2 tear: a significant number of fibres are torn with moderate loss of function.  I got a referral for physical therapy and Naproxen.  She told me not to do anything that hurts.  

After a full day of icing and elevating, I waddled into TeamFitness.  Linda was able to modify the exercises so my hip did not hurt.  The most difficult thing I was to get up after lying on the floor.  She motivated me to keep going, to not give up on the challenge.  I was feeling defeated and upset that I invested so much into the challenge and felt like I had to quit.  I need to take it slow and heal but not give up!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Day 18 Weigh-In 3

Whoo-hoo!  I had a good weigh-in today with a loss of 3 lbs and 2.8% body fat. I hope I can do the same next week.  

I have been eating by the paleo guidelines (NO dairy, grains, or legumes) for 6 days now.  I wouldn't be able to do it without Dorissa's help and pinterest.

We had a snow day yesterday so I was able to try out some new recipies....

Paelo biscuits made with coconut flour....

Paelo almond breakfast cookies....

Egg muffins with spinach and peppers...

I have been keeping my carbs between 29-59 grams. 

My goals till next weigh-in: 

Keep carbs low
Drink more water!!!
Get atleast 15,000 steps a day

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Day 11 Second Weigh In

Well, maybe my last weigh in was a fluke.  I did not get up and weigh in at 6am.  I ate well and drank a lot of water.  I worked out with the weights class at school, Team Fitness, and 30 minutes on the treadmill.  I met my goals all week but I didn’t see any of that effort reflected on the scale.  I maintained my weight but did not maintain my body fat percentage.  I have read that the scales are not quite accurate and if you are well hydrated it will show up as higher body fat.  I don’t know what to think…. I just know that I have been working hard on eating right, drinking water, and working out.  I just need to keep it up!

I am battling some pain with my left piriformis muscle. 

I have had issues with this in the past.  My first experience with it was a long time ago when I was skinny and running faster than Josh.   I remember I ran 7 miles to the bowling alley, then went bowling for Jeana’s 10th birthday party.  During the bowling, I had a pain shoot down my leg and up by back from by butt (piriformis).  It lasted for weeks.  I didn't know it then, but my inflammed piriformis compressed the sciatic nerve.  After several appointments, I was told not to run.  So, I quit. 

30lbs added, I started running again. I’ve never been able to get back to the same capacity.  I have avoided this pain by not over doing it and practicing yoga.  Having this pain now scares me that I will give up again.  I NEED to push through and find alternatives if I have too.  I also need to stop bowling! I am seeing another correlation to pain besides running!

I have heated, iced, and tortured myself with a tennis ball.  I hope it feels better in the morning.

I met my daily goals for this week.

I stayed under 100 carbs, drank 68 oz of water, and got in over 15,000 steps.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Day 10 Last Chance Work Out

Coffee - homework - protein shake - more homework - shoveling drive - bowling.

We had lots of fun bowling with the kids, playing games, and eating lunch together.

I had a salad with grilled chicken and one of Jeana's beef patties.

 Jacob and I walked Kate around the snowy neighborhood.  A great way to get in more steps!  

More homework.  Lots!

Leftover turkey for dinner.

At 6, Jacob and I headed to the gym.  I got in a base run then we hit yin yoga.

Once home, it was time for The Walking Dead.  I enjoyed a bowl of Raisin Bran with almond milk.


I am getting nervous about the weigh in tomorrow. I am debating weighing in the morning or evening when I will be at the gym for Team Fitness.  As I lay here at 11pm, I do not like the idea of getting up at 4:50 to make spin class.  I just don't know if I have done enough for the week.  I don't know if the scale will show any change.  I am super worried that my body is not going to change as fast as I want it to.  I hope to see results on the scale for the work that I have put in this week!  I looked up my ranking from last week and I am at number 15 for the club.  

 I just hope that I can maintain my place or work my way up!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Day 9

I may not be able to keep up with such a detailed account....I might just start blogging on weigh in days.

Here's my food...I am still working on getting all of my water.

I got in my first peak run.  It was difficult!  

Here's my steps....It is SO hard to get my goal of 15,000.  I don't know how I am ever going to get 20,000 a day!  I went to yoga after the run and hot tub.  

I did a lot of my course work today.  I am hoping to get ahead so that I can devote all of next weekend to writing my paper.  The kids and I watched Big Hero 6.  It was so good!  I also watched Downton sad.  

Day 8 Happy Valentine's Day!

I started off the morning with regular coffee and hit the gym for Super Stretch Saturday.  I did my metabolic warm up and then we stretched everything out.  I got home and whipped up a single chocolate protein smoothie (365 calories).  Josh & Jacob went grocery shopping.  Jeana and I headed to the incline.  Unfortunalty, we were stuck in traffic FOREVER and once we were at the top there was NO parking.  We had already been scouting for parking at the bottom, nothing.  After two hours we gave up :(  We ended up hiking at Red Rock Canyon Open Space.

Jeana was a little dare devil on the rocks!  

  Not as good of a workout as the incline would have been.  But still LOTS of fun!

For our Valentines lunch, Jeana chose Rudy's BBQ.  We each had 1/2 a pound of turkey and leftovers!  Yesterday, Josh & Jacob ate at HuHot Mongolian Grill.

I finished one assignment then watched a little TV.  For our Valentines date, Josh and I cooked dinner together and enjoyed watching a movie in bed.  

Before going to sleep, Jacob showed me how to play his game.  I was horrible but it was fun trying.  

Calories: 1,302 (Very close but not over)  I indulged in 3 pieces of Reese's Peanut Butter cups and had 2.5 glasses of wine.  I drank 60 oz of water and got in 14,134 steps.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Day 7

Today I just started with some regular coffee.  Jacob wasn't up to share a smoothie with me.  The kids got to sleep in while I had professional development at Pine Creek.  It was a LONG day of sitting in classes.  I was good and packed my lunch but I forgot my water bottle :(

I had chocolate mint protein bar for breakfast.

Trader Joe's hummus with pita chips and Greek yogurt for lunch.

As soon as classes were over, I started cooking a new recipe: Cauliflower Pizza crust...

It was amazing!  I could only eat half.

After I ate, I HAD to get some homework finished.  I worked until Shannon and Dorissa picked me up to go to the movies.

I wasn't going to get anything but Dorissa had a coupon so we split some popcorn.

I didn't eat all of what I had.  The butter was a little too much.  I was craving some chocolate.  I was about to give in and buy some but Dorissa saved me with some toasted coconut.  It was so good!

Sadly, I only got in 6,801 steps and 40 oz of water.  I did not meet my daily step goal or water goal :(  I did stay under calories......I will have to consider this my rest day.