Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Day 31 Injured

I have been at a standstill with both weight loss and body fat loss for the last two weigh-ins.  

I planned to step it up but now I am taking a step back.  On Monday I was bouldering with Jeana on the rock wall.  I was determined to get up the pink and white route. Jeana made it look so easy!  I had made it up a little further when I pushed off on my right leg to reach the next hold.  Apparently, my weak hips couldn't take the pressure. My leg turned out to the right, cracking and popping.  The pain was excruciating.  I dropped instantly.  As I was lying in the foam, all I could do was laugh to keep from crying.  After a few minutes I attempted to get up.  I knew something was hurt!  I got some ice and barley made it through yin yoga.  

Once I got home I started icing and using the heating pad.  It was a rough night! Getting in and out of bed was horrible.  I had to lift my right leg with my hands.  I could hardly sleep because of the pain.  Tuesday morning, I stayed home from work and made a doctor appointment.  It was rough just to get down the stairs and in the car. I used Josh's crutches for help.  

The doctor told me that I have a hip flexor strain which is an injury characterized by tearing of one or more of the hip flexor muscles and typically causes pain in the front of the hip or groin.  The hip flexors are responsible for moving the knee towards the chest (i.e. bending the hip) during activity and are particularly active when sprinting or kicking. With my symptoms I believe I have a grade 2 tear: a significant number of fibres are torn with moderate loss of function.  I got a referral for physical therapy and Naproxen.  She told me not to do anything that hurts.  

After a full day of icing and elevating, I waddled into TeamFitness.  Linda was able to modify the exercises so my hip did not hurt.  The most difficult thing I was to get up after lying on the floor.  She motivated me to keep going, to not give up on the challenge.  I was feeling defeated and upset that I invested so much into the challenge and felt like I had to quit.  I need to take it slow and heal but not give up!